July '24 tall tales 

We played the Old Towne Pub last Wed and they want us back in a couple of weeks. Nice ! Tony Shibumi and Lamar Little killed it as the rhythm section. Last time we played there was pre-pandemic - seems like a lifetime ago - and now there's new mgmt and, best of all, they have a great sound man. People in the audience said they could, for once, actually hear the lyrics. Amazing ;-)

Robbie Robertson - another tough one 

Robbie Robertson gone … not too many left from those days any more. Heavy sigh … In my mind's eye I can still see all of us (loudly) playing those seminal Band records in the Goddard dorms. They really had something special that stood out.

I'll bet people will be playing The Weight at jams and backyard parties for the next hundred years. It's really quite timeless and also easy to play. Can't say that about too many songs.

Jeff Beck - this is a tough one 

Losing Jeff Beck so suddenly is really tough. I just finished watching a show of his from Sept, 2022 and he's totally at the top of his game. 78 yrs old and just killing it, amazing. A master of both his instrument and how to play it in a live setting. And, he's clearly having fun and enjoying playing with his band. Heavy sigh.

His rendition of Little Wing (49:27) and Day in the Life (53:57) are wonderful and show how he's internalized those songs and turned them into his. He had it all ...

And so it begins ... 

A blog ... what will they think of next? This should be a fun and amusing adventure - a place to tell stories and, if need be, to rant ;-) Here we go ! But first, let's tune up ...